Find your place at the table at the nextYoung Life Event.

Young Life Annual Fundraising Banquet

Stay tuned for more information about our Young Life Fundraising Banquet coming up in March.
Reach out if you would like more information or would like to help us prepare and/or run the banquet this year.

weekly & monthly events

Join your peers and leaders for the best night of your week!

Young Life Campaigners:​​ Every week, our high school ministry will be holding Campaigners.​ Contact your leader for more info!

Young Life Club:​ Leaders have been working hard to prepare fun ways to operate a safe club. Each school has been developing creative activities to safely interact and lead students.

Contact your school's team leader to find out when events are happening at your school this week/month!

Bedford High School Young Life: Luke Bricker (937) 776-0995

What is Campaigners?

Campaigners is a community​ of kids who want to know Jesus more. This could be a kid who is just curious about who Jesus is, or someone who has grown up knowing Him. It is a time for us to dive into the Word together and talk about what following Jesus truly looks like.

What is Club?

Club is a party with a purpose.​ It's a place where every kid from every background is not only welcomed, but celebrated. It's a place where kids get to be kids by laughing, singing, and playing games. It's a place where they get to experience full life in a new way.